Appl Ergon. 2002 Nov;33(6):523-31
Harvey JT1, Culvenor J, Payne W, Cowley S, Lawrance M, Stuart D, Williams R.
School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ballarat, PO Box 663, Ballarat, Victoria 3353, Australia
Some occupational health and safety hazards associated with sheep shearing are related to shearing shed design. One aspect is the floor of the catching pen, from which sheep are caught and dragged to the shearing workstation. Floors can be constructed from various materials, and may be level or gently sloping. An experiment was conducted using eight experienced shearers as participants to measure the force exerted by a shearer when dragging a sheep. Results showed that significant changes in mean dragging force occurred with changes in both surface texture and slope. The mean dragging forces for different floor textures and slopes ranged from 359 N (36.6 kg) to 423N (43.2 kg), and were close to the maximum acceptable limits for pulling forces for the most capable of males. The best floor tested was a floor sloped at 1:10 constructed of timber battens oriented parallel to the path of the drag, which resulted in a mean dragging force 63.6N (15%) lower than the worst combination.
Friday, 1 November 2002
An analysis of the forces required to drag sheep over various surfaces

Thursday, 17 October 2002
An onion enzyme that makes the eyes water
Nature 419 (6908): 685
17 October 2002
S. Imai [1], N. Tsuge [1], M. Tomotake [1], Y. Nagatome [1], H. Sawada [1], T. Nagata [2] & H. Kumagai [3]
[1] Somatech Center, House Foods Corporation, Takanodai, Yotsukaido, Chiba 284-0033, Japan
[2] Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
[3] Division of Integrated Life Science, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
ABSTRACT The irritating lachrymatory factor that is released by onions when they are chopped up has been presumed to be produced spontaneously following the action of the enzyme alliinase, which operates in the biochemical pathway that produces the compounds responsible for the onion's characteristic flavour. Here we show that this factor is not formed as a by-product of this reaction, but that it is specifically synthesized by a previously undiscovered enzyme, lachrymatory-factor synthase. It may be possible to develop a non-lachrymatory onion that still retains its characteristic flavour and high nutritional value by downregulating the activity of this synthase enzyme.

Tuesday, 1 October 2002
Can shoe size predict penile length?
BJU International
Volume 90, Issue 6, pages 586–587, October 2002
doi: 10.1046/j.1464-410X.2002.02974.x
J. Shah [1] and N. Christopher [2]
1 Department of Urology, St. Mary's Hospital, and
2 Institute of Urology, University College Hospitals, London, UK
penile length; correlation; shoe size; masculinity
To establish if the ‘myth’ about whether the size of a man's penis can be estimated from his shoe size has any basis, infact.
Subjects and methods
Two urologists measured the stretched penile length of 104 men in a prospective study and related this to their shoe size.
The median stretched penile length for the sampled population was 13 cm and the median UK shoe size was 9 (European 43). There was no statistically significant correlation between shoe size and stretched penile length.
The supposed association of penile length and shoe size has no scientific basis.

Sunday, 1 September 2002
Rectal salami
Int J Clin Pract. 2002 Sep;56(7):558-9
Shah J, Majed A, Rosin D.
Academic Surgical Unit, St Mary's Hospital, London, UK.
We present the case of a 63-year-old man who had inserted a salami into his anal canal for sexual stimulation--the commonest reason for inserting foreign bodies--and who subsequently required a laparotomy for its removal. This common surgical problem requires a thorough medical history, an examination and the use of radiographs for management. Current techniques for removal of such objects are discussed.

Friday, 21 June 2002
Deep classification: pornography, bibliographic access, and academic libraries
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services
(Formerly known as Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory)
Volume 26, Issue 2, Summer 2002, Pages 113–139
Juris Dilevko, Lisa Gottlieba
Faculty of Information Studies, 140 St. George St., University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G6, Canada
This study examines the mainstreaming of pornography in the context of current economic, popular culture, and academic trends. As pornography becomes part of popular culture, it simultaneously becomes an area of focus for academics and therefore presents particular challenges for college and university libraries. Both physically and conceptually, academic libraries must find a place for pornography on the shelves and in the array of knowledge structured by bibliographic access systems. This study looks at how the variety of issues, concepts, and genres of pornography considered in academic discourse could be accommodated within access systems by examining the way in which the adult industry itself classifies pornographic films. Specifically, the terms used by the adult industry to classify these films could be grouped within newly developed categories. The identification of the categories would not be predicated on characteristics of porn films alone. Instead, the categories would encompass specific topics, concepts, and subject areas that connect pornography to mainstream culture. Using classifications from four different adult industry sources, four sample categories are presented that could serve as a model for how pornographic concepts could be accommodated within existing bibliographic access systems.

Saturday, 1 June 2002
Does semen have antidepressant properties?
Archives of Sexual Behavior
June 2002, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 289-293
Gordon G. Jr. Gallup, Rebecca L. Burch, Steven M. Platek
Department of Psychology, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York
In a sample of sexually active college females, condom use, as an indirect measure of the presence of semen in the reproductive tract, was related to scores on the Beck Depression Inventory. Not only were females who were having sex without condoms less depressed, but depressive symptoms and suicide attempts among females who used condoms were proportional to the consistency of condom use. For females who did not use condoms, depression scores went up as the amount of time since their last sexual encounter increased. These data are consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration.