Annals of Surgery
June 1913 - Volume 57 - Issue 6 - ppg 896-901
Arpad G. Gerster, M.D.,
Surgeon to the Mount Sinai Hospital
F. S. Mandlebaum, M.D.,
of New York
Pathologist to the Mt. Sinai Hospital
The fact that the formation of bone in the human penis is one of the rarest of phenomena may serve as an excuse for presenting a paper based on the observation of a single case.
CASE REPORT.-John B., male, Frenchman, restaurant keeper, 49 years old, married. There was a history of syphilis, no gonorrhoea, no acute infectious disease. Patient had worn a pair of corsets of the straight front type for three years. About eight months ago he noticed at the place where, in the sitting posture, the lower anterior rim of the corsets impinged on the upper aspect of the root of the penis, the appearance of a small indurated mass the size of a pea. Gradually this mass extended downward along the middle of the dorsum of the organ, until it reached its present size. The presence of this body caused the patient no inconvenience whatever, except in erection of the penis, when an increasing amount of upward incurvation acted as an insurmountable obstacle to the introduction of the organ into the female genital tract. On October 3, 1910, the following was noted:
Status Prasens.-Florid, somewhat obese man. Pulse 80, temperature normal. Arteries somewhat hard. Lungs and heart normal. Abdomen obese and pendulous. Liver palpable, not painful; spleen non-palpable. Genitals well developed. Close to where the penis emerges from underneath the symphysis pubis, an oblong, lamella shaped, very hard body can be felt resting upon the dorsum, extending forward to the extent of 3.5 cm. It's width is 1.75 cm. It occupies the middle space exactly. The thickness is estimated to be about two or three millimetres. There is considerable subcutaneous lateral mobility which easily permits a tilting on edge from either side, the tilted body then assuming the shape of a longitudinal crest. No longitudinal mobility. The Wassermann test proved to be negative. Urination unimpeded. Urine of high specific gravity (1018-1022), clear, dark amber, acid; no albumin, no sugar, no blood, pus, or casts.
October 15, under light gas and ether anaesthesia extirpation of the body. Artificial anaemia by constriction of root of penis. Longitudinal median incision down upon the body, severing the penile fascia. Very easy dissection of the lateral margins; the inferior attachments of the osseous body to the tunica albuginea and to the septum penis demanded cutting. After the removal of the body a defect of the tunica extending over both corpora cavernosa was visible. Catgut suture of tunica albuginea, release of the constrictor, ligature of two small arteries, suture of the fascia and skin, together with a small compressive dressing completed the little operation. Uneventful primary healing followed.
This boner paper is over a hundred years old. All copyrights have expired.
Tuesday, 1 June 1971
XI. On the Formation of Bone in the Human Penis

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