American Midland Naturalist
Vol. 86, No. 1 (Jul., 1971), pp. 101-109
Published by: The University of Notre Dame
Richard Wassersug
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
University of California
Berkeley 94720
Tadpoles of eight species of frog were tasted in a standardized procedure by 11 volunteers. The tadpoles were rated in their palatability from "tastes good" to "highly unpalatable." It is suggested that palatability in tadpoles may correlate inversely with vulnerability.
Thursday, 1 July 1971
On the Comparative Palatability of Some Dry-Season Tadpoles from Costa Rica

Microbiological Laboratory Hazard of Bearded Men
Appl Microbiol. Jul 1967; 15(4): 899–906
Manuel S. Barbeito, Charles T. Mathews, and Larry A. Taylor
Industrial Health and Safety Office, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 21701
An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that a bearded man subjects his family and friends to risk of infection if his beard is contaminated by infectious microorganisms while he is working in a microbiological laboratory. Bearded and unbearded men were tested with Serratia marcescens and Bacillus subtilis var. niger. Contact aerosol transmission from a contaminated beard on a mannequin to a suitable host was evaluated with both Newcastle disease virus and Clostridium botulinum toxin, type A. The experiments showed that beards retained microorganisms and toxin despite washing with soap and water. Although washing reduced the amount of virus or toxin, a sufficient amount remained to produce disease upon contact with a suitable host.